
Android File Transfer

Browse and transfer files between your Mac computer and your Android device. Download now. For Mac OS X only. No extra software is needed for Windows.

Android File Transfer (Windows & Mac)

Android File Transfer is the best Android PC suite, acting as Android file manager, Android sync manger and Android backup software to manage files on ...

Android File Transfer on Windows PC

2022年12月7日 — Connect Android to your computer with a USB cable. · Your Android screen will be automatically displayed right away. · To transfer files, download ...

Android File Transfer Windows Xp

Use your computer to control your Android smartphone or tablet, and transfer files such as images, music or videos to the mobile device or install apps on it.


2022年10月30日 — You have to configure an FTP server on your Android device by using an app like Solid Explorer or Total Commander + its TotalCmd-WLAN-Transfer ...

How to connect the phone to Windows XP (need drivers)

2024年2月20日 — Is there a way to copy the drivers from a working install of XP on the other laptop? ... Try using a wi-fi file transfer solution ... Can't transfer ...

Transferring data from Android to Windows XP

2020年6月7日 — Most Android devices have a USB mass storage mode which should not require any special drivers on Windows XP. You may need to configure the ...

Why is my PC (Windows XP) not connecting to any phone ...

2018年8月16日 — Scroll down on the top bar, you will see a status bar “tap for more options”, tap on it, and select “File Transfer” mode. Then you can go to the ...


BrowseandtransferfilesbetweenyourMaccomputerandyourAndroiddevice.Downloadnow.ForMacOSXonly.NoextrasoftwareisneededforWindows.,AndroidFileTransferisthebestAndroidPCsuite,actingasAndroidfilemanager,AndroidsyncmangerandAndroidbackupsoftwaretomanagefileson ...,2022年12月7日—ConnectAndroidtoyourcomputerwithaUSBcable.·YourAndroidscreenwillbeautomaticallydisplayedrightaway.·Totransferfiles,download ....